About CIF
Floor Life
CIF is a close-knit and friendly community that does much more than just sit around on our computers! The activities on floor range from the usual hanging out in the lounges, playing video games, and flexing our culinary muscles to much more exciting things like public game nights, managing CIF services, going out for floor dinners, and the semesterly CIFnic picnic. Even those of us who would otherwise be hiding in our dorm rooms can find some social aspect of CIF compelling enough to come out and join in.
One of CIF’s founding goals was to provide computing services and assistance to the University community. We host semesterly tech seminars based on the needs and interests of the community, give out free CIF accounts with web hosting for undergrads, and manage a computer lab with free printing for undergrads who sign up for access through our site. We also provide technical assistance with our Help@CIF support service. For those on floor who are interested in working with hardware and helping those in need, maintaining the lab and giving support to the community can be a pain at times but is a truly satisfying and unique experience!

Playing Giants, Wizards, and Elves at CIFnic.
The lab is one of CIF’s offerings to the University community. It offers free printing and a diverse range of operating systems to suit your preferences, but the space isn’t just for public computing and printing! We’ve got a growing library of video games and consoles, a Neo Geo arcade machine, and a public dongle library. The lab also serves as a social space for movie showings, seminars, and studying.
Access to the lab is free, but you’ll need to register an account for your student ID card to let you in. You’ll also get free file storage with web hosting, on us!
A Brief History
The Computer Interest Floor was proposed by Matt Curtis and Peter Thompson in the fall of 1982, and began on the 11th floor of deKiewiet tower in the fall of 1983. CIF was founded to help students learn to use computers as well as hold the student voice on the availability and quality of computing resources at the University. In 1984 the CIF lab opened, functioning as a public space for students and faculty to use computers and ask computer-related questions.
Over the years the technology in the lab has changed, from DEC Rainbow and Apple II+ machines to an array of more contemporary computers. CIF has also sponsored numerous events, such as product demonstrations and a UCC Unix Administration Group conference. We’ve also moved from our historical location atop deKiewiet to an on-campus location in Anderson Tower, and the lab is now located in the basement of Anderson. To this day, CIF is still committed to providing assistance with computers to the broader University community and a supportive environment in which its members can improve their skills.
Read more about our history