
The Computer Interest Floor is a Special Interest Housing Group meaning that we are allocated a specific amount of rooms to fill with CIF members. Members are not required to live on floor but it is greatly encouraged and comes with benefits.

CIF will have its next Housing Meeting in the 2025 Spring semester, there we will allocate housing for next school year. If you are interested in living on floor, you should join CIF as soon as possible to get priority. Only CIF members can participate in CIF housing so if you are not a member you must fill out this simple form and have an in person interview with the CIF EBoard, everyone is welcome regardless of major!

Why Live on Floor?

Living on floor is both convenient and beneficial, many CIF events occur on Anderson 3 or in the CIF lab in Anderson’s basement, living on floor gives easy access to these events. CIF also has its own kitchenware and furniture that is maintained with the dues members pay. Proximity to other members is especially useful when sharing the same classes.

Escape The Housing Lottery

CIF’s housing system is completely separate from the university’s housing lottery. Members choose their rooms in order of greatest housing points. Housing points are earned in a variety of ways including:

Members who have equal housing points will be sorted by their join date.

You can see the full point system here

Where and What is CIF Housing?

CIF is currently located on the 3rd floor of Anderson Tower. This floor has 4 Suites, 4 center doubles, and a kitchen. Every suite has 4 singles and 1 double as well as its own lounge. In the Spring semester, CIF Board is responsible for requesting housing allocation. We currently control 4 Suites meaning we have 16 singles and 4 doubles fully occupied by CIF members. Our goal for 2025S is to gain control over 2 of the center doubles.

What Room would you Get?

As of now (8/28/2024), all CIF owned rooms are filled. There are 7 seniors leaving in 2025S so there will be openings then. Be sure to join ASAP for priority.