February 19th, 2009
I. The Amendment that was proposed and made to the CIF Constitution
A. There was a vote to change the following in the constitution under “Elections and Officers” subheading “Elections”:
“…The vote will be counted by both the current Secretary-Treasurer.”
(Proposed amendment)
“…The vote will be counted by both the current Secretary-Treasurer and an impartial representative of the University of Rochester Office of Residential Life.”
B. All 24 members of CIF present at the floor meeting unanimously voted for this Amendment to be Changed.
1.) The voting procedure in the CIF constitution states:
“If a two-thirds majority of the total CIF membership vote in favor of the amendment, then the amendment passes. (In the case that the number of members is not divisible by three, the two-thirds majority must be rounded up to the nearest whole person.)”
2.) Currently according to my membership list we have a total of 34 members, at the floor meeting 24 were present.
3.) 2/3 of 34 rounded up is 23. Since all 24 members present at the Floor meeting voted unanimously…the amendment was passed successfully.
II. Money to be allotted for the fixing of the card reader.
A. Ok so this was voted upon but did not really need a voting for. It was stated that ResLife was willing to fix our card reader would be between $75-$100. And there was a vote to see that money in this price range be allotted. Now technically, if the expenditure is less than $100…there does not need to be a floor vote….just a board members vote “The approval of three board members is required to authorize expenditures up to $100,… Expenditures of more than $100 must be approved by a vote of the entire floor. ”
B. When the floor vote was cast 23 out of 24 people in in favor of allotting the money…however like I said before, this vote was obsolete and totally unnecessary.
C. Here are the reasons why we need that card reader fixed:
1.) This will allow CIF members access to the CIF lab, therefore allowing CIF to finally have the classes that we have proposed to do.
2.) Will open the opportunity to have any other CIF events inside of the CIF Lab
D. But since floor did vote on this anyway, between $75-$100 will be alloted to fix the card reader. If there is any CIF member who thinks that board should vote on this, email the board…make sure we all get the email…so that we can vote on it at out next board meeting.
III. Amendment for the CIF housing point system
A.) Ok so there was some heated debate on this so I wasn’t able to gather all of the relavent information about this. But I will have that information soon, so be on the lookout for an additional email about this.
B.) However from what I know:
1.) Sarah Melnick first brought up the issue of the housing point amendment, there was an intense argument and it was decided that her changes be discussed over a two week period…however noting was proposed at the conclusion of this argument.
2.) While Bryan Jacobs proposed that a slightly different version of the housing point system be changed.
C.) Like I said, I will provide with more specifics will later…so no angry emails please 🙂