Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes

April 30th, 2014

  • Christine and Abi’s point thing
    • Has been resolved
    • Sam did not attend
  • Caitlin has her stoning stones in the closet. As opposed to her tent-building stones.
  • Abi’s task is to put out the fire in the frat quad
  • Caitlin moves that Nate’s face shouldn’t be the topic of board meeting
  • Kyle went out to look at game consoles and prices for the library
    • Gamecube is being donated by Nate
    • Would be put in the lab with a TV
    • 4 controllers
    • 2 memory cards
    • Smash Bros
    • Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
    • Ask for suggestions from floor
    • Frank, Nate, Kyle, and Alan are going to Gamecraze on Tuesday
    • Mike will send out an email asking people what games they want
  • Also Yejin ripped off my bandage. Shun her for it.

April 16th, 2014

  • We need to get an Xserve graphics card because we have two machines and one card
    • $50 has been allocated
    • Frank will order it this week
  • SUMS has a major meat thing going on
    • And by that, I mean a Major Meet’n’Greet
    • Nate will go
    • Frank might go
    • Maybe Tanner and Connor?
  • We need the actual people to get food from ABP
    • Because anger
    • So we’ll go over there on Saturday to pay for the food
    • Alan will email people about meeting up before 2 (probably around 11)
  • Shopping/CIFnic
    • Tanner hasn’t talked to Frank
      • BUT HE WILL!
    • So that needs to happen
    • So we can get
    • We also need coal for CIFnic
    • Frank proposes we ask Santa
  • Sausagefest
    • Apparently Kim and Tanner have their list of food prepared for the shopping trip
  • Alumni Game Night
    • At least 5 alumni will be arriving
    • An additional 5 have expressed interest but have not confirmed
  • CIF Lab Clean-up next weekend
    • Alan will contact Dena about it
    • Potentially Sunday
    • All lab furniture will need to be brought down as well
  • Jackson Court Block Party
    • Remind people that it’s happening
    • Project M is reliant on Alex
  • Floor meeting this weekend!
    • Sausagefest – immediately afterwards
    • CIFnic
    • Anniversary Game Night
    • Mentioning moving furniture/cleaning lab – Frank
    • Mention D-Day
    • Mike will mention that people who own games can loan them to the CIF library
  • Nate and Frank might start planning tech seminars over the summer
    • Hacking seminar
    • Game programming seminar
  • Family Science Day
    • We will try and commandeer a classroom for a tech seminar
    • Teaching SuperCollider
    • It makes sounds
    • Alan will talk to STEM Eboard about commandeering the classroom and such
  • What can we, as board, do better?
    • Documentation about what our jobs ARE should be
    • Also a training period for future boards?
  • Goals for next semester
    • Maybe start doing two tech seminars per month
    • Other events in the lab, too
    • Maybe even getting a console for the game library?
      • Possibly a Gamecube
    • Nate might bring up his SNES for CIF to borrow
  • Alan will keep pestering TASA about tea tasting
  • Committees for next semester
  • Scheduling floor meeting time
    • Make sure to bug people more
    • Set it after two weeks regardless
    • Tim proposes using a large influx of bees to make people respond
  • Making CIF better/more awesome!
  • $20 has been allocated for a tarp for covering up stuff in the lab

April 8th, 2014

  • E4E – Caitlin, Nate, Frank, and Dena will be going
    • Friday at 4pm
    • Sue B Reslife Office
  • “I don’t pay attention to things!” – Kyle
  • Formal Game Night – April 19
    • Catering: Alan will send an email requesting the ID numbers of the following:
      • Alan
      • Claire
      • Kate
      • Zoe
      • Mike
    • Dietary Restrictions: Vegan, Kosher/Passover, Quinn, Anti-all of that
      • Fresh fruit and cheese tray
      • Gourmet cheese tray
      • Sliced meat and cheese platter
      • Roast vegetables and hummus platter – 1 or 2
      • Sandwiches:
        • 5 for chicken pesto
        • 2 for Arizona chicken
        • A lot for chicken mozzarella
        • 1 for chicken salad
        • 2 for oven turkey
        • 2 for turkey club
        • 4 for roast beef
        • 2 for tuna salad
        • 5 for ham and brie
        • 2 for caprese
      • Another option is to get the classic luncheon ($10.79) with trays
      • Apple and blue cheese side
      • Caprese
      • Desert:
        • Cookie collection
        • Dessert bars and pound cakes
        • Sweets and berries tray
        • Coffee Break
        • Mini-cookie assortment
        • Mixed nut bowl
        • Strawberry platter
        • Cupcake platter for 6
        • Cupcake platter for 12
      • But
but I’m morally against eating things that didn’t scream when they died!
    • Caitlin and Yejin will go to ABP on Saturday at 9
  • Alumni Game Night
    • Kyle has gotten word that several alumni are showing up
  • Kung-fu Movie Night
    • Nate will set up the projector
    • Or Tanner will. Depends on when they begin setting up
    • Movie will be

    • “[The people] don’t know what’s good for them, Tanner!” – Mike
  • Tea tasting
    • TASA will get back to us ASAP
  • Diner Event
    • Signup sheet has been made

April 2nd, 2014

  • Housing contracts have been submitted and confirmed as received
  • Mike is now the King of Games!
  • E4E will probably be Kyle, Frank, Tanner, and Caitlin
    • Alan or Nate might be a backup
  • Pi++ day will probably be on April 13
    • Caitlin will contact Doug and, by extension SUMS
  • Family Science Day with STEM will be on April 19
    • CIF has a spot in it if we want
    • Explain video cards and how the computer works maybe?
    • Anatomy of computers
    • Also we need a lesson plan for the STEM class thing
  • Nate is going to become Van Gogh and cut off his ear
  • Public Soap?
    • Not really EBoard’s job, but we can recommend they get soap for people
  • Alumni Game Night
    • Kyle sent out an email and posted on the facebook page
    • Some alumni have responded, but not many as of yet
    • Theme is Midlife Crisis (voted on last semester)
    • Now we’re assuming the regular amount of money, but that may change later on
  • CIFnic
    • Ask Claire to grab/guard the grill
    • Frank and Caitlin will buy meat
      • Because Frank is cheap and Caitlin is a vegan!
    • 75 Dollars has been allocated
  • Formal Game Night
    • Catering – Au Bon Pain
    • April 19
    • Alan will send out a message about declining when he sends out minutes
    • Advertising will be done by ZDC
  • Tech Seminar
    • There is one on the 19th which we can do for the Family Science Day
    • Tech Staff will come up with something – possibly a programming seminar
    • Confirmed theme by next board meeting
  • Caitlin hasn’t been Christian in a long time, which is why she doesn’t know when Passover is.
  • Tea tasting – Alan will bug George
    • Molly will check with TASA
    • Maybe propose as a study break?
  • Kung-fu movie night with Tae-Kwon-Do
    • No word from them as of yet
    • Claire will bug them for Fridays or possibly after Tae-Kwon-Do
    • Or even as a study break
  • CIF lab is getting painted over the summer
    • So everything needs to be moved to the center of the room by the 28th
    • Printers will be moved on floor after that
    • Tech Staff and Pantheon of Cleanliness will work together on that
  • Nate was emailed by SUMS to have upperclassmen talk about being CS majors
    • On the 17th
    • Frank and Nate will probably go
  • Lab Account Creation is still not functional
  • Alan will talk with Professor Derefinko about possibly buying a pinball machine of the ones he sells
  • Goat simulator is a no go for board buying it
  • Floor meeting this Sunday
    • Announcing Mike’s new position as King of Games
      • Members will be allowed to loan their games to the library if they want
      • Possibly set up a game shelf somewhere on floor next year
    • Formal Game Night
    • Alumni Game Night
    • CIFnic
    • STEM Family Science Day – Alan covers this
    • Sausagefest will probably be happening on the 20th
      • Yay, Sausagefest on Easter!
      • Covered by Mike
    • $50 have been allocated
    • Soap thing for visitors
      • Covered by Frank
  • If any board games are left in the kitchen, they will be washed and confiscated
  • Open house being attended by Dena and Caitlin this Sunday

March 26th, 2014

  • Survey sent out to other groups about SIH
  • Jackson Court Block Party
  • Presidents meeting about E4E – everything went well
    • Either April 10 or 11
  • Google Doc where board members can add what they need to put on the agenda
  • Website SHOULD be officially fixed! So people should be able to create lab accounts now
  • Quinn has suggested that we make temporary lab keys for alumni and such
    • Knows someone at work who can possibly help us out there
    • Can also be used as test card
  • Caitlin has been working on E4E paper/report stuff
  • Alan will update the spreadsheet for events and send it out to board by the 5th
  • Mike wishes me to write down “Woggly-Boggly-Diddley Bits
Southern Dessert”

March 19th, 2014

  • “This is how Democracy dies!”
  • Reslife did not give us the fourth suite
    • As such, we are going for the fourth suite in the lottery
    • Provided we don’t get the suite, we can ask if that group is willing to switch with our suite
    • The way it works: Everyone is assigned a time and day based on class year (i.e. seniors go first)
    • The time you get is random throughout the course of the day
    • If you are going in a suite, then your group needs to go online and list each other as suitemates
    • Whoever has the earliest time can put all six of us in the suite
    • ONLY that person has to do it
    • According to Reslife, we will be able to switch to our original suite if we get it and want to
    • Mike and Molly’s suite will be entering the housing lottery
  • Dena now has two boxes of confiscated kitchen items
    • Auction time!
  • Jesse’s Application for CIF
    • Unanimous Acceptance
    • Jesse’s first CIF member quote: “That lamp’s against fire code. I can tell because it’s a lamp.”
  • We officially acquired Settlers of Catan as our second CIF game
    • The other is the Cards Against Humanity
  • We will bring up nominations for the King of Games position (librarian) at the next floor meeting
    • The KoG will be in ZDC
    • Tanner has been nominated by himself. Kyle seconded.
  • Seniors will presumably not be allowed to get the senior meal exemptions as they will not technically be on CIF, even though they will be
  • Jackson Court Block Party, yay!
    • We have ‘volunteered’ to help set up and clean up from 3-5 on Friday, April 18
    • Definitely CANNOT be a BBQ, as that violates University rules
    • We will send out sign-up sheet for 10 minute shifts or so
    • Alex will present the idea of us having a Project M Tournament to important peoples
  • Sausagefest date will be decided (probably end of April) by Tanner, Kim, and Connor
    • Connor and Mike will probably take over from Tanner and Kim for next year
  • On March 29, we are finding out the gender of our RA
  • Paperwork needs to be sent in by the 7th for E4E
  • Kyle will do it again and again
    • “It” is sending out emails to alumni
  • AIF has proposed the idea of making a sign for Anderson with us
    • “We apply a piece of paper to art, and then apply a wall to that piece of paper”
    • Reslife has posterboard and paper for it
    • Caitlin will talk with Doug about getting this ready
    • Also what and for how long Reslife wants us to put it up
  • Claire is planning the next ZDC meeting. They will be on alternating Sundays from our floor meetings
  • Caitlin will send out an email about bringing housing contracts to the next floor meeting
  • Also at floor meeting:
    • Discussing the Anime Trifecta
    • ZDC stuff
    • Ask for ideas for the Anderson sign
    • Talk about not getting the fourth suite
    • King of Games nomination
    • Also Game Library in general and what’s in it
    • BBQ sign up
    • Lab back up
    • Confiscated items auction
    • E4E stuff – Due by March 31 from members
  • 40 Dollars allocated for pizza for Game Night
  • April 19 is the Formal Game Night
  • CIFnic is April 27
  • Alumni Game Night is April 26
  • Tech Seminar – have the setup for SIMCON be a tech seminar
    • If not allowed then April 6 would be one
  • Other one would be April 20

March 5th, 2014

  • Interview Results:
    • Jake – Unanimous Acceptance
  • Reslife has not granted us the fourth suite
    • Caitlin will be getting into contact with reslife people (Leslie Stevens and Karen)
    • Laurel Matellis and Ed Feldman are two people we should contact about this – both of them could vouch for us and hopefully help us
    • Also try talking to Vicki Sapp
    • Caitlin will write up a petition for in case this all falls through
  • Forward passwords for their respective groups to Claire, Dena, and Connor
  • The date and location for the AIF/CIF event is the Gleason Theater on March 23rd
  • Doug has also proposed CIF/AIF events over break for members who will be here
    • Hotpot, potluck, etc.
    • Lots of fun for those who are staying
  • Simcon Event!
    • Send an email out to members about this and about running one-shots or a LAN party
    • Tech Staff would be in charge of a LAN party if there is one
    • Make sure there is a FUNCTIONAL Ethernet port in order to do this
    • Also we can bring games
  • The alum email has been sent to board about internship
    • It will be forwarded out to members in case anyone is interested
  • Tech Seminar – possibly a programming one or a hardware one
  • Connor will be setting up the Minecraft server soon!
  • Tech staff pseudo-event to teach things will be set up!

March 1st, 2014

Interview with Kate

  • Unanimous vote for membership

February 26th, 2014

  • Ben will continue with his probation until further notice
  • Reminder – Housing meeting on Sunday at 2pm
  • Interviews commence!
    • Ethan (From Illinois! Woot!) – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Douglas – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Zach – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Vincent – Unanimous Acceptance
  • “I’m the meeting! I’m one fifth of this meeting!” – Frank Tamburrino
  • Email regarding Committee Member List will be sent out by Caitlin to the Committee Leaders
  • Committee Leaders will set up committee meeting times and such
  • Lab needs to be cleaned out
    • Tech Staff!
  • Also Tech Staff needs to come up with things for people who want to learn more about tech
  • Connor is fixing the Minecraft server!
  • The lab microwave will be moved to the kitchen
  • Claire is planning a potluck
  • Tim is planning a “What the
? Anime Trifecta”
  • Joint event with AIF this Sunday
    • Although the day may be moved
    • Email will be sent asking to move it back to the 23rd
    • Kyle will send the email
    • Caitlin will deal with getting shouted at
  • Anika will be specifically invited to Game Night
  • Game night is on 3/22
  • Housing:
    • Another reminder – MEETING AT 2PM
    • The idea has been put forth to bring up the thought of asking some older members to move into the suite with newer members
    • Kyle will propose it at the Sunday meeting
  • Kyle will add new members to mailing list

February 19th, 2014

  • Zoey’s Interview
    • Unanimous Agreement
  • Fred’s Interview
    • Unanimous Agreement
  • Usual floor meeting at 8
    • Followed by the ‘Meet’n’Greet’
  • 40 Dollars has been approved for game night money
    • Decorations?
  • Leaders have responsibilities!
    • Make sure people do work
    • You have minions!
    • Make sure things that need to get done get done
  • ZDC
    • Abi will presumably make posters (upon her agreement of course)
    • Or Claire will. Because Math.
    • Claire will head up people to do decorations
    • Claire will create a Facebook event for all SIH events during SIH Week
  • Tech Staff
    • Connor will start working with Dena, OCD, and “The Board Tech People” to get the lab cleaned up
    • Anika wants the lab clean by the end of Spring Break
    • Frank and Nate say she told them by the end of the year
    • Something to keep on the mind is getting the paint wall thing ready
  • Obsessive Cleaning Directive has been renamed to

    • The Pantheon of Cleanliness
    • PC for short
  • Committees must meet before next board meeting
    • Specific times at the will of the committee leaders
  • AIF/CIF event status:
    • Kyle will make sure we can book the Sue B room
    • If we can’t, we’ll probably just invade
    • Happening on March 2nd
    • They want us to have stuff happening there
    • Possibly set up Portal and Minecraft Servers
  • June’s friend will need to talk to board about him/her wanting to do things with LAN
  • Magic points capped at 5
  • Claire worked her magic and made a poster already

February 12th, 2014

  • AIF and SUMS Eboards have started invading for events!
    • Not Friday or Saturday
    • Sue B. Media Room
    • Caitlin and Kyle will look into it
    • February 23rd or the March 2nd is when it would be
    • Preferably the 2nd
    • Doug has coupons for pizza we could use
    • Time TBA
    • Ghost in the Shell
    • Possibly bring board games as well
    • Possible postering on confirmation by AIF
    • Or they’ll poster and we’ll design
    • Both groups will split printing
    • Progress reports by both groups at the Fair
  • Anika stopped by:
    • We have a trash can there now! Huzzah!
    • OCD will take care of that weekly
    • We’ll get our own trash bags – OCD will deal with that as well
    • We will also let her know about when we want to paint the walls of the lab
    • We need to get her the programming spreadsheet by the 28th
    • Anika will check on the heater problems and on putting the green chairs in the lab
    • We’re also making a request for a physical key to the lab
      • At least one for the Tech Services Director
      • Preferably another for the Tech Maintenance Director
    • It’ll be two weeks until she can get back to us on that
  • SUMS and CIF LaTeX Event
    • Goergen 109 7:45 on February 20th
    • Brian MacDonald and Nate Hart will be who run it
    • If Brian can’t make this new time, it’ll be Doug that co-runs it
  • Pi++ Day
    • 4/14 falls on a Monday this year – we may be picking a different one
    • In past years we’ve made whipped cream pies and thrown them
    • The idea of selling pies has been brought up, but more or less shot down
    • Also no pie scavenger hunt, Kyle
    • Needs to be officially recognized as an event for Wilson Commons place
    • The Pi++ Day Coordinator isn’t really a position for now because Doug is the contact there anyway
  • Interview Time!
    • Grace – Unanimous Agreement
    • Good with advertisements and would love to be able to help there
    • Shadow Suite Approves! Grace will move in!
    • Also Dena claims to be more important than Tanner – he disagrees. Vehemently.
  • Appointed positions vote:
    • Dena is the new Kitchen Goddess and leader of the OCD
    • Connor is the new Webmaster and leader of the Tech Staff
    • Claire is the new Paparazzi and leader of the ZDC
  • Hall Program on Friday
    • Origami and happiness
    • I don’t enjoy happiness
    • Or Valentine’s Day
  • Tanner suggests giving a couple of weeks before actually allowing them to move on floor
  • Somebody wrote on the fridge in sharpie
    • That’s bad
    • Don’t do it
    • Frank is sending a passive-aggressive email about this
  • Neuromancer is being set up now
  • Hard drive stuff and other technobabble happening
  • Tanner and Frank have attacked/cleaned the lab
    • Cleared out and organized wires
    • Shelf has been moved out – will be repurposed for board games for the library
    • Progress! And no death!
  • Frank and Nate are free to talk to Anika on Friday
  • Alan sends out NO DUES YOU DIE email
  • Next floor meeting is gonna be the suite organization thing
  • Weekend after will be “here are our final suites”
    • 2pm to be precise
  • Alan needs to send out an email polling for housing points

February 3rd, 2014

  • No show for the interviewee
  • Caitlin met with Anika and we have some new info on Special Interest Housing week
    • Game night is between the SIH Fair and the SIH Week
    • Same for the tech seminar
    • Monday Midnight Magic will be a planned SIH event that Monday
    • Possibly Minecraft as well
    • We are signed up to coordinate a facebook events thingamabob
    • There will be a tunnel painting event as a group SIH event
    • The raffle is a pizza party for the hall
  • To get the accent wall done, we need to move everything to the center of the lab
    • Anika’s got a plan
    • OCD Committee will get the 4 step plan
  • The blue chairs in the lab will be stored
    • Also we are getting a trash can!
  • We need to provide Anika with a list of all events we’ll be doing for the semester
    • Due by the 21st
  • Nate will make a “Don’t Unplug ANYTHING!” poster
  • Mike will be organizing a CIF Brunch
    • Sunday February 16
    • Jim’s Restaurant Too
    • 785 Main St.
  • MIF crossover might not happen but we can still do it by ourselves
  • Frank hasn’t bought the printer yet because we might be able to get one cheaper
  • Tanner got a full pricing on the server bill:
    • Around 230 dollars

January 29th, 2014

  • Membership Interviews
    • Hannah – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Rachel – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Aries – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Tate – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Brian – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Michael – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Matt – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Megan – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Hallie – Unanimous Acceptance
    • Kushael – Unanimous Acceptance
  • Ben is still on probation. Terms are:
    • Floor meetings are mandatory
    • Allowed to miss 5 events
    • Tech Seminars and Sausage Fest are not required
    • A good reason told to us ahead of time will not count
  • Alex and Dena have suggested making the committees mandatory
  • Nate has brought up the idea of adding participation points in for tech things
    • Tech staff events could be made events instead of changing the constitution
    • Failsafes would need to be put in place to prevent people getting points for really doing nothing
  • Dena has suggested not only forming committees, but assigning heads for them
    • They would get more points but have more responsibility
    • Head of committees, for example, can negotiate with other committees and stuff for things that need to be done
    • Tech Staff, ZDC, and Organization Cleaning Directive (OCD) (Cleaning)
    • 5 member limit has been proposed for OCD
    • Tech Staff reports to Frank and Nate
    • ZDC reports to Kyle
    • OCD reports to Alan
    • Board reports to Caitlin
  • Committees have been unanimously agreed upon
    • This semester will be our trial run
  • Alan will send out an official notice that board meetings are on Wednesdays at 9pm
  • Committee meeting will be immediately after floor meeting, but these can be changed by the committees themselves
  • Leader of each committee:
    • Will take notes on committee meetings
    • Ensure everyone pulls fair share
    • Communicate with respective board members
    • Will be appointed positions
    • ZDC leader is the Paparazzi position
    • Tech Staff is the Webmaster position
    • OCD is the Kitchen Goddess position
    • Delegates responsibilities to members
  • If a person is reported to have not been fulfilling their position, they will have be put on probation
  • Tech Staff Responsibilities
    • Maintenance of lab machines
    • Works Help@CIF
    • Webmaster responsibilities
      • Usual
      • Leader of Tech Staff
    • Cap of 7
    • Teach people who want to learn techy things
    • Helping with tech seminars
  • ZDC Responsibilities
    • Postering
    • Decorations
    • Advertising Events (Ideally once a month)
    • Pi++
    • Tabling/Fundraising
    • Paparazzi responsibilities
      • Pictures
      • Presumably leader of ZDC
    • “Ridding the World of Zombies!”
  • OCD Responsibilities
    • Monitor kitchen cleanliness
    • Monitor common room cleanliness
    • Break kneecaps about trash
    • Coordinating with tech staff to clean lab
    • Empties lab trash cans
    • Aftermath of game nights
    • Recycling (money from game nights!!!)
    • Taking cans to Wegmans
    • Kitchen Goddess is leader
  • First tech seminar on February 23, 2014 – LaTeX Seminar
  • Game night on February 22, 2014
    • Theme will be voted on at the next floor meeting
    • Chinese Lantern Theme suggested by Molly
  • AIF Anime Night
    • Presumably one time
    • Movie or show?
    • Gleason Theater, Sue B, Dewey 1-101, Wilson Commons movie room, etc
    • Open to everyone!
    • Ghost in the Shell suggested
  • Need trash cans for lab

January 26th, 2014

  • Nominations will be sent out for Appointed Positions
    • With description
  • Ben has missed this floor meeting as well as his probationary meeting last semester. As such, he will be called upon at the next board meeting for a meeting about this. Failure to show will result in expulsion
  • Survey will be sent out to people about whether or not they will be living on floor next year
  • It looks like ZDC will not be reformed next semester – though that is pending on sending it out to people who missed the meeting and discussing at next board meeting

January 22nd, 2014

  • Welcome to our newest member Susan!
    • Unanimous Agreement
  • Floor meeting times are now Sunday at 8:00pm
    • Unanimous Agreement
  • Frank has requested 130 dollars for a new printer
    • The ones Frank found are relatively cheap and come with ink
    • We will stagger buying printers, just one for now
    • Unanimous agreement to allocate 130 dollars
  • Frank and Nate will talk to Robotics about the card reader
  • Kyle sent out an email to alumni about alumni game night
    • One response thus far that Kyle will respond to
  • Nate will send Kyle pictures
  • Alan is in charge of ordering pizza tomorrow at game night
    • A reminder that 40 dollars have been allocated for it
  • Caitlin will be meeting with Anika on the 31st
  • We need to discuss collecting dues from members
    • Alan will be breakin’ kneecaps!
  • Tanner will research prices for backup server stuff
  • Caitlin is making a book for CIF Grimoire!
  • Combine it with CIF 30th Anniversary Alumni Event maybe
  • Propose tunnel-painting to floor at the first floor meeting
  • Tanner has proposed an official appointed position for future Sausagefests
  • Will be addressed at a later date, depending on floor reception
  • Signups at the floor meeting will sign up for one of a few committees or suggest a new one
  • Kyle will discuss these things and be in charge of that stuff at the meeting
  • Alan will talk about and collect dues
  • Caitlin will talk about participation points
  • Appointed Positions
    • Kitchen Goddess
    • Webmaster
    • Paparazzi
    • Pi++ Coordinator
    • ZDC and, sub-appointed Poster People
    • Plus Tech Staff
  • We need to vote on the Nauticock Award

January 20th, 2014

  • New membership application to be discussed/interviewed
  • Authorities need to be transferred to new board
  • Need to update application forms as well as the mail lists
  • Special Interest Housing week was discussed at president’s meeting
    • Fair February 19 (Tiernan) and 20 (Sue B)
    • Week is 24-28
    • Scavenger Hunt/Questionnaire for pizza party raffle
    • Three CIF questions needed:
      • What is the Nauticock and where does it reside?
      • What’s the name of our first web-hosting server?
      • What is our most attended event?
    • See about getting a Nauticock stamp
      • Kyle will “organize stamphood”
  • We need a floor meeting ASAP!
    • Floor meeting will be scheduled regardless by Wednesday, but it may change depending on future responses
    • Sunday at 9 for now
  • Ask Abbi about making posters for game night
  • Kyle will send out emails about game night
  • Card reader is “working”
    • Beeps strangely, then beeps normally and lets us in
  • We will get in touch with Robotics about them making us a new card reader
    • Kyle is in touch with either the current or former president of robotics
  • Printer problems
    • Very expensive to get ink for the newer, working printer
    • Need to get new printers anyway
  • Due dates:
    • Due two weeks after this meeting
    • I.e. next meeting after the first
    • 20 dollars
  • STEM Initiative coop event
    • Frank and Nate come up with a lesson plan
    • Alan talks to the STEM board about setting it up and getting approval
  • Possible Tai-Kwon-Do Movie Night
    • Coop with Tai-Kwon-Do club
  • Possible Anime Showing with AIF
    • Something tech-oriented or computer/sci-fi stuff
    • Maybe Ghost in the Shell
    • Maybe Psychopass
  • Possible Tea Event with JSA
    • Alan will get into contact with president of JSA
  • Game night is this Saturday!
    • 40 dollars has been allocated to ordering pizza for this coming game night
  • Setup for survey to booth stuff at the Special Interest Housing Fair
  • Frank and Nate will come up with tech seminar options
  • Caitlin talked to the president of MIF
    • CIF/MIF cross over event for a composing with computer programs event
  • Kyle will email alumni about Alumni Game Night
  • Funk N’Waffles Trip was a success
    • A second one is being planned

January 14th, 2014

  • No toys allowed at board meetings
    • Passed Unanimously
  • Expectations for Excellence – Community helping event required
  • Reappoint old appointed positions
    • New Poster Person/ZDC
    • New Keystone Director (if we keep it)
    • New Kitchen Goddess
    • New Webmaster (if possible)
    • New Paparazzi
  • Decide future of Keystone
  • Possibly create a Kitchen Committee
  • Possibly get into contact with June’s computer friend
  • League of Legends Tournament
    • Tanner was on point with CSUG last time, so get into contact with him about it
  • Frank will get into touch with URGaming
  • Pi++ Day
    • An appointed position, so talk to Doug about keeping it
    • Or appoint people from ZDC meeting
  • Possibility of bringing back the ZDC
    • Constitution change would be required for permanence
    • Would be a good way to get participation points
    • Give it a trial run for now
    • Find a way to incentivize it
    • Makes it easier to get points in a group than individually
    • Can’t fall prey to “Group Project Syndrome”
    • Gauge reaction at first meeting for this and tech staff
    • Pass around a sheet for this and tech staff
    • Initial signup at second meeting provided reaction is good
  • When2meet survey to get floor meeting time set
  • Tentative board meeting time:
    • Wednesday at 9pm
  • Getting more people to join Tech Staff
    • Along the same line as bringing back ZDC
    • Underqualified people would be allowed if they want to learn, numbers permitting
    • Have to actually want to help out with tech staff
    • More people would be good to have, but too many could be an issue
  • Narrow the Facebook groups down to just one rather than three
    • Send out a survey about Tumblr and Twitter accounts
    • Create a Paparazzi position
      • Vote: Passed Unanimously
  • Card Reader is still alive!
    • And working!
    • Kinda

  • Motion to start a Computer and Game Library on CIF
    • Use it on floor or sign out if you want to take it somewhere else
    • New shelving might be required eventually
    • Board Games and Video Games as well as Computer Equipment
  • Dues of 20 dollars
    • Unanimously approved
  • Need to replace printers
  • Possibly may need to either get new parts for or replace card reader
  • Activities Fair
    • Currently being manned by three people
    • CIF Poster and CIF Board
  • Get E for E Presentation info from Dena
    • Need Chair to attend and probably two other members
    • Formal attire required
  • Game Night soon after activity fair
    • Saturday, January 25
    • People need to poster
  • Points needed:
    • 15 Required
      • Unanimously approved
    • One point for attending an event/meeting
    • Bringing food and organizing each add an extra point
  • Tech Seminars:
    • One a month
    • Programming seminar: Java or Python maybe?
    • Possibly a “How to Build a Computer” seminar
    • Maybe a hacking seminar
  • Alumni Event for CIF 30th Anniversary
    • Game Night Saturday before classes are over (day after D-Day and before CIFnic)
  • Send a representative to computer science poker night
  • Need to get ready for housing
    • Kyle will check on painting the tunnels
    • People need to poster
    • Put stuff on computer screensavers (ITS and labs and such)
    • Sarah found some (six) people who are interested in computers and like games
    • Find more members to fill the fourth suite
    • Put board members in each suite maybe?
  • Get real lamps for CIF suites
    • The ones on AIF are 30 dollars and they’re approved by reslife
    • Check out Craigslist and other things first

Floor Meeting Minutes

April 20th, 2014

  • Sausagefest tonight!
  • Saturday is anniversary game night
  • CIFnic on Sunday
  • Members are able to loan their games (all kinds) to CIF’s library
  • Senior shirts!!!
  • Bunnies!
  • There are still dishes in the kitchen – pick them up!
  • Brunch is happening this coming Saturday at 12

April 6th, 2014

  • New King of Games – Mike!
    • If you want to take a game out during normal hours, Mike will have a sign-out sheet
    • Write down the game, time, and time of return
    • Special game night system to be announced closer to game night
  • This Friday (4/11) will be a Tae-Kwon-Do movie night
    • 8pm on floor
    • Either Tanner or Frank will set it up
      • Except Frank is apparently afraid of technology now
    • Blank spot!
  • Formal Game Night on 4/19
    • Au Bon Pain catering
    • Maximum of $100 for donations
    • Bring friends and dress nicely
  • Anniversary Game Night on 4/26
    • We have an alum from 20 years ago who has already agreed to stop by
  • CIFnic on 4/27
    • Picnic with CIF!
      • Whatta surprise

    • There WILL be vegan and vegetarian as well as anti-vegan/vegetarian food
    • Again, excess of declining can be used to get food
  • Family Science Night with STEM on 4/19
    • Come and help out!
    • We will be doing a tech seminar for programming that day for STEM
  • Sausagefest – 4/20 (Easter Sunday!)
    • We will cook sausages and watch a wholesome family-friendly movie!
  • Account Creation has been fixed!
    • Huzzah!
    • Go to the CIF website and create your account!
    • Or go to
    • Need your netID, netID password, and LCC
  • Emails will be sent out, don’t worry
  • Dena’s Biweekly Auction Time!
    • Reclaim your items people!
    • Anything left on CIF at the end of the year becomes CIF property
  • Mike will be doing a CIF Brunch event on Sunday 4/13
  • Board meeting for this week changed to Tuesday 10:30

March 23rd, 2014

  • King of Games Nominations
    • Mike
    • Matthew
  • Anime Trifecta happening this Friday at 8
  • Dena is auctioning off the dishes for people
  • All events for the rest of the semester should be told to board for E4E stuff
  • CIF is helping to clean up as well as possibly hosting Project M at the Jackson Court Block Party
  • Game nights coming up on the 19 and 26th of April
  • CIFnic on the 27th of April

February 23rd, 2014

  • Announced committee leaders
    • ZDC – Claire
    • PC – Dena
    • Tech – Connor
  • Sign up for committees
  • Explained housing points
  • Accepted nominations for Nauticock Award
    • Kim – seconded
    • Alex – seconded
    • Claire – seconded
    • Molly – seconded
  • We will get the fourth suite with enough members
  • Alex has an event planned for next week
  • This coming Sunday is the official meeting for housing. BE READY!

February 9th, 2014

  • Went over committees and duties
    • ZDC
    • OCD
    • Tech Staff
  • Discussed committee leaders
    • Paparazzi
    • Kitchen Goddess
    • Webmaster
  • Nominations
    • Dena – KG
    • Molly – KG
    • Connor – Webmaster
    • Claire  – Paparazzi
  • Pick Housing Suites
  • Themes
    • Jazz Club – 8
    • Chinese Lanterns – 13
    • Fire Hazard – vetoed by Alex
    • Social Taboos – vetoed by common sense
    • Caffeine – 2
    • Summer Solstice – 8
    • Mismatched Clothes – 0
    • Crossdressing – 9
    • Maid CafĂ© – 11
    • Firefly – 8
    • Animal Ear – 0
    • Anarchy – 14
    • AIF Themed – 7
    • Other Special Interest Housing – 6
  • Anarchy Game Night!
  • LaTeX Tech Seminar – Thursday the 20th
  • Funday Monday Midnight Magic!
  • Brunch being organized by Mike
  • DUES!!!
  • Talk to Kim/Tanner about Sausagefest
  • Support for potluck dinner!

January 27th, 2014

  • Dues are Due!
    • By February 9th
    • I (Alan) will break kneecaps if you don’t give it to us!
  • We will be sending out a Housing Interest Survey for members
    • Probably tonight
  • ZDC and Tech Staff has been proposed to Floor – results will be analyzed at the next board meeting
  • 15 Points are required for this semester
    • They work the same way they used to
    • I.e. extra points for bringing food and for organizing events
  • Event Reactions:
    • Tae-Kwon-Do Movie Night
      • People Like it
      • Silly or Serious
      • Multiple Movies at Once or just One
    • CIF/MIF
      • Mild Interest
    • JSA Tea Night
      • Lotsa Interest!
    • STEM Initiative
      • Meh interest
      • More from Tech Staff
  • Special Interest Housing Week/Festival
    • Sign ups have been sent out
    • Scavenger Hunt
  • Painting the Tunnel
    • Weekend after next weekend
    • Survey will be sent out
    • Giant Robot with a Nauticock – Kim’s idea